An ambitious master plan has been developed to connect the Bridgewater Canal to the Manchester Ship Canal (MSC), a distance of approximately 570 metres, using a combination of traditional locks and modern engineering .

Phase 1 sees the canal extended from Waterloo bridge and dropped to a lower level winding hole (an area where boats can turn) using a boat lift system.
Phase 2 sees the link extended under the roadway using a tunnel, the reinstatement of a traditional set of double staircase locks and the development of the marina.
Phase 3 is the final connection into the MSC. This is achieved using what will be the UK’s only Inclined Plane (a boatlift that carries boats in a caisson along tracks and can operate up and down a slope).
£3.8 million of Levelling Up funding has been secured to begin phase 1 This will included a 40 metre extension to the canal, construction of the visitor centre and surrounding recreational areas. It also funds the purchase of two trip boats which the charity will operate. This project will be delivered jointly be the Unlock Runcorn charity and Halton Borough Council.
If you would like to support the charity, or know more about our plans, then please get in touch.